Acid and Alkaline Foods and the Ph Diet

October 25th, 2007

There is a saying that goes, ” we are what we eat. ” In fact, if people take a deeper look at the food being consumed, only then will the person realize that a lot of it are unhealthy which is why most people are obese.

The reason is because the most of these are acidic or have a high concentration of alkaline in it. Some examples of acidic foods are peanuts, meat, sugar, beans and legumes. Those that contain alkaline are certain vegetables, fruits and juices.

The types of beverages available also has high concentrations of acid. Coke and beer for example has a pH2 while coffee that has caffeine is a pH 4.

This is not harmful in small amounts but when someone eats for example a slab of steak together with a can or two of beer, then there is bound to be a problem in the future. This is because micro form and pathogens start to develop and this will spread to different areas of the body.

The body defense mechanisms will do its best to regulate the pH levels. However, it has limitations and when it can not, the person may suffer a stroke or other sicknesses that could permanently paralyze the individual or be fatal.

One way the body does this is by using calcium. Everyone knows this is good for the bones and lack of it especially in women may lead to osteoporosis.

Children who drink milk often can prevent this from happening but once the person reaches adulthood, things are different. This is because milk also has a high acid content so this can be regulated by substituting this with skim or Soy milk instead.

The example just shown has happened to many people. This is the reason scientists and doctors recommend those who are overweight to exercise and make some lifestyle changes like going on a pH diet.

One way is by changing the way the food is cooked. Instead of frying it, a healthier way is by steaming it. The person may even reduce red meat and change this with fish. A dietitian will be helpful in planning a menu and it would not hurt to read up and experiment on new recipes.

As for drinks, the person should stay away from coffee or dark colas. This is because the regular and the diet versions still contains elements of phosphoric acid. A healthier alternative will be freshly squeezed juice, tea or water.

The person does not have to wait until something should happen and one is off to the clinic or the hospital. This is the reason that people are encourage to visit the doctor at least once a year to check if everything is normal.

At home, the individual can buy pH strips that can check if one is acidic. This is done through a urine test and if this is between 6.75 and 7.25, then the body is maintaining the right pH level.

Should this be higher or lower, then the person is potential health risk. There is another version that can tell if this is normal or not based on color and the results will determine whether or not it is time to make some changes.

There are other things to watch out for to ensure healthy living and the first step is by watching what is being eaten because too much acid or alkaline in foods can be dangerous to one’s health.

Author: Ronald W. Firquain

Preventing Heart Disease

October 15th, 2007

Heart disease causes half of all deaths within the United States each year and is the leading cause of death worldwide. While there are some factors that are uncontrollable, many factors contributing to heart disease are easily preventable by creating lifestyle changes.

High blood pressure is a major cause of heart disease, and high cholesterol greatly increases your chance of high blood pressure. To prevent high cholesterol, you need to avoid saturated fats found in red meats and dairy products such as cheese and butter. You’ll also need to avoid other foods containing high amounts of oils and fats. Fish and chicken are much healthier alternatives. Also, choose baked rather than fried food and add more heart healthy fruits and vegetables into your daily food intake. Caffeine and salt should also be avoided as much as possible.

A heart healthy diet has been shown to be one of the best controllable ways to prevent heart disease and promote longevity. Talk with your doctor and check with the American Heart Association for the creation of the best possible heart healthy diet.

Another major contributor to heart disease is smoking. It cannot be stressed enough that in order to prevent heart disease you should not smoke. Smoking is a major lifestyle contributor to heart disease deaths. Smoking makes your heart have to work harder and also contributes to high blood pressure. Even if you’ve been smoking for years, you can reap substantial heart healthy benefits by quitting now. This greatly reduces the chances of developing heart disease, and the longer you stay quit, the healthier you and heart will become.

Obesity is also a major preventable contributor to heart disease. It is an increasingly common health problem in the United States and is responsible for much of the rising rates of heart disease related deaths in the country. To combat obesity, you need to develop a plan combining the reduction of caloric intake along with an exercise program developed to target weight loss. You need to incorporate new healthier eating habits not just in the short term for weight loss, but as a long-term lifestyle change to keep the weight off and to remain healthy.

Even if you are not obese, your chances of developing heart disease are much higher if you live a sedentary lifestyle. You should exercise at levels that increase your heart rate for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Your exercise does not necessarily have to be intense, as you will experience heart healthy results even with moderate levels of exercise. Exercise can be an enjoyable experience if you choose healthy activities that you enjoy.

Besides the major contributors, alcohol can also increase the chances of developing heart disease. Moderate drinking (one to two drinks per day) can actually reduce the chances of developing heart disease. However, binge drinking or drinking excessively contributes to heart related problems and will also raise the level of fats within the blood and body.

Stress contributes to the development of heart disease, so learn to properly identify and deal with the causes of stress in your life. Learn stress reduction techniques to avoid negative affects on your heart’s health.

While there are contributing factors out of our control such as heredity and age, you can make lifestyle changes to greatly reduce your chances of developing heart disease. Create a lifestyle of heart healthy living, and you will greatly decrease your chances of suffering heart disease related death. Promote your health and longevity by creating a heart healthy lifestyle.

Article Source:  ezinearticles

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