Honest Answers About Weight Loss

May 13th, 2009

People who need to lose weight are finding that they receive a lot of mixed messages about what the best way to do that might be. They are told to move more and to eat less, but they aren’t really told what that will get them, which one is more important, and whether there are other factors at work. Because of that they start eating better and getting some exercise but they still don’t lose weight, so they get frustrated and give up before they ever really get started.

First of all, you have to remember that it took time to put the weight on, so it’s going to take time to get the weight off, as well. Also, you need to remember that there are some medical conditions, such as a sluggish thyroid, that can keep you from losing weight. If you don’t know whether you have any of these conditions, you might not be able to lose weight the way you would like and you’ll just get upset and angry.

Avoid that and have a check-up. You’ll know whether there are any problems and you can address them with the right kind of diet and exercise.

Which Weight Loss Program is the Most Affordable?

May 3rd, 2009

weight loss programsFor people who want to lose weight in the Spring or anytime, there are a lot of options. Some people just eat less and exercise more, but other people need more than that, and they join a weight loss program. Some of these can be quite costly, and a lot of people are struggling with the economy today, so they want to join a weight loss program that they can easily afford.

The most affordable of the weight loss programs is NutriSystem. Both Forbes and the National Business Research Institute have made this claim. Some of the other weight loss programs were hundreds of dollars more expensive than the NutriSystem option. One of the main advantages of the plan is that there aren’t any membership or other fees, and with free online and telephone counseling it’s hard to beat the opportunities for success.

The plan is said to cost less than what a person would typically spend on ‘regular’ food during that same time period, which is also very significant, because people can lose weight more cheaply than they would be trying to do it on their own.